U.F.O Finding the Truth 3
UFO Finding the Truth 3.adf
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This article was taken from THE PEOPLE newspaper on sunday 19th feb. 95.
THE BRITISH UFO REASEARCH ASSOCIATION logged 226 sightings of flying saucers
and alien life forms last year. Somerset , West Yorkshire and areas of
central Scotland boast the highest number of close encounters according to
director Phillip Mantle.
He says " UFO sightings are most common in areas where there's loads of open
space it is as if our friends from outer space want an isolated spot where
they can observe human life."
This was not in the people I just want to make this a worth while file.
There has been a lot of talk about wether or not the Aliens are real or not
now here are a few things to think about .
It has been said by alot of people that the description of the aliens make
us seem superior and almost makes us pity them for example this alien race
that has come to earth has a problem with it's digestive track thus making
it more or less sickly. Another thing is the grey's bodies are scrawny
things making them seem weak and feeble there large heads with their even
larger eyes this would remind some as to what a newlyborn animal or child
All of these things point to the fact that these aliens could be the figmant
of peoples imagination perhaps some sort of mental retreat.
These are some of the points that have been made to help people relize that
the whole alien thing is a hoax.
This list could go on for ever but it wont.
For years people have been seing U.F.O'S IN THE SKY at day and night for
years they have been part of our lifes but now they are ruining lifes by
taking away humans and conducting medical examinations on them and returning
them to earth if they even leave earth that is.
Many people have been abducted many have been returned with rashes needle
marks and generally they have been humilated and degraded. There have been
cases in America where a woman was diagnosed as being pregnant and having
twins being abducted and then when the delivery came she only had one child
this would as you could imagine come to as a bit of a shock. Most people
who get abducted report much the same thing being taken away to a room and
then examined then returned by the same kind of aliens the GREYS .
whether or not you believe in UFO's and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS you cant ignore it
that this is happening and has been for years.